Winnipeg is a city in, and the capital of the Canadian Province of Manitoba.
2 hours
3 hours and 45 min
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 30 hours.
The shortest time is 33 hours.
it takes12 hours i know because i have been there
from Winnipeg to Russel Manitoba is 4 to 4 1/2 hours
3 hours, 16 minutes. 208 miles.
about 15 hours 44 minutes varying from traffic
Google Maps estimates the drivng time as 34 hours.
The mileage from Winnipeg, Manitoba to Wisconsin Dells Parkway is roughly 661 miles, or 1083km and will take about 10.5 hours to drive according to legal highway speed limits.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 2 hours and 45 mnutes.