well 1 gigabyte is about 1.5 hours. scince 1 terabyte is 1000 gigabytes. then it should equale about 1,500 hours
Answer may vary by a bit: On my external harddrive, (Which is 1Tb), it says that I can store 936 Gb. So it is somewhere around there...
buttholes:) i love you baby:)
you have 1TB on a hard drive but you only have 950 gb what happened to the other 50 gb
o.2 mp is the quality of the camera not memory, memory is stuff like 8gb and 1tb
A 1TB drive has aprox. 1000GB of memory. So 1TB has 250GB more memory than any 750GB drive.
I've heard many rumors. The most prominent rumor is that anything over 120 (or maybe 250) won't even be recognized by the console. Even if you are computer savvy and can engineer it to connect. what would you need 1TB for anyway?
Reviews for specific disk drives (including 1TB drives) can be found on the major online retailer sites. Amazon an NewEgg both have many user reviews of most 1TB hard drives.
It depends on the size of the photos and documents. A resized photo can take as little as 100kb, while a RAW file from a Nikon D800 is close to 100mb.
1000 GB make 1TB
1,024 gb = 1tb.