3 hours approximately
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 5 hours and 54 minutes.
10 hours
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 4.75 hours.
The driving distance from Fort Hood to Dallas, Texas is 158 miles and about 2 hours 45 minutes behind the wheel.
It takes 6 hours 55 minutes to fly nonstop from Honolulu, Hawaii to Dallas, Texas. The flight distance is 3,795 miles.
Dallas is 4 hrs. ahead of Hawaii from the 1st Sun. of Nov. until the 2nd Sun. of March. Dallas is 5 hrs. ahead of Hawaii from the 2nd Sun. of March until the 1st Sun. of Nov.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 2 hours and 49 minutes.
About 280 miles, 4 hours 45 minutes.
The driving time from Columbia, South Carolina to Dallas, Texas is 15 hours, 28 minutes
The driving distance from Dallas, Texas to Nashville, Tennessee is 664 miles per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 9 hours and 44 minutes.
3 hours