5 hours
To Philadelphia? About 4 hours driving.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 6 hours and 52 minutes.
The shortest driving time is 46 hours.
According to Google Maps, the fastest route is 25 hours.
About 10 hours. 7 to New York, and 3 from New York to Philly
MapQuest gives the estimated driving time as 11 hours and 12 minutes.
The driving distance is approximately 1,200 road miles - about 20 hours of driving time.
That pretty much depends on how you are planning on getting there. Driving, flying, or sailing?
MapQuest gives the estimated driving time as 8 hours and 47 minutes.
196 miles
The driving distance is 779 miles per Map Quest. The driving time to Philadelphia per Map Quest is 12 hours and 25 minutes.