-- To Palm Springs, California . . . 3,878 miles (rounded) -- To Palm Springs, Florida . . . . . 4,374 miles (rounded)
Which palm springs!?
The distance is 1,242 road miles to Palm Springs CA from Seattle.
Scottsdale to Palm Springs is a driving distance of 278 miles.
Many. But they like to buy the businesses also.
about 120
It is 445 miles between San Jose and Palm Springs.
There are about 268 road miles between Phoenix AZ and Palm Springs CA.
Driving from Vancouver to Palm Springs would take 21.5 hours. Total distance is 2,225 km.
108 miles from the Hollywood sign to Palm Springs, roughly 90 minutes driving except for traffic.
The various attractions in Palm Springs, including San Jacinto Mountain, Palm Springs Air Museum, Palm Springs Art Museum, Indian Canyons, Coachella Valley Preserve, Elvis Honeymoon Hideaway, Elvis Honeymoon Hideaway, and many others, are the reasons for tourism in the area.
14.2 miles