Air miles from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to Dallas, Texas, total 191 miles. That is 307 kilometers or 166 nautical miles.
About 3.5 hours.
It requires 7 hours of driving time.
The total distance from Seoul, South Korea to Dallas, TX is 6,832 miles.
128 miles taking this route:Take I-40 WEST, from Midwest City, to I-35 SOUTH to DALLAS at EXIT 151B.Take I-35 SOUTH to THACKERVILLE.
Dallas is much closer to the city of Tulsa in Oklahoma, being just south. Minneapolis on the other hand is many miles north.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 3 hours and 37 minutes.
I suppose that depends on where you start. Cheyenne to Kearney is 320, Kearney to Wichita about the same, Wichita to Oklahoma City is 160, OK City to Dallas is 206, Dallas to Shreveport is 187. That total is 1193. Gillette to New Orleans is over 1700.
Oklahoma City has a total area of 620.34 square miles.
It is 162.91 Miles.
90 miles
It is 544 miles to Oklahoma City.