The distance mentioned between the above mentioned places is 305.44mi.
This is an approximate driving distance. The actual driving distance may differ according to the path chosen.
It is 305 miles according to Google Maps.
176 miles taking I-15 SOUTH.
The distance between Ogden UT and The Dalles OR is about 650 road miles.
Twin Falls is about halfway between Boise and Ogden on I-84. Take Exit 173 (93 South)
The Salt Lake Express makes about a dozen stops on it's route. They include BYU-Idaho, Boise Airport, Burley, Idaho Falls, Jerome, Ogden, Salt Lake City Airport, and Downtown.
731 miles
39 miles
5930 Miles or 9543 Kilometers
It is 601 miles with an estimated driving time of 10 hours and 18 minutes according to Google Maps.
It is 339 miles according to Google Maps.
600 miles taking this route:Take I-182 WEST from Richland to I-82 EAST to UMATILLA and PENDLETON.Take I-82 EAST to I-84 EAST to PENDLETON in OREGON.Take I-84 EAST to Ogden.
about 600 miles