It takes about 19 hours (non-stop) to drive from Karratha in north-western Australia to Perth. Distance is 1803 km.
about 1hour 45 minutes
The flight time is approximately 2 hours, 11 minutes.
Assuming that this question refers to Broome in NW Australia, literally minutes as the airport runway ends where the town begins.
The distance between Broome in Western Australia and Cairns in Queensland is 4082 km. Travel time, without breaks, is an estimated 45 hours, so it is a trip that, realistically, would take 5-6 days.
Since the distance between Hong Kong and Broome is 2821 mil or approximately 4539.95 km, it would take about 6 hours.
According the AA Route Planner (GB Edition) the distance is 172.4 miles, this will take about 4 hours and 15 minutes to drive, assuming you take the direct route to the centre of each location and there are no stops, accidents, breakdowns or other hold ups en route.
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