Google Maps estimates the driving time as 4 hours and 2 minutes.
Trendy Pieces, South Church St, Murfreesboro, TN.
Atlanta, GA to Murfreesboro, TN is about 217 Miles - 350 Km.
Mahan Village, TN
distance from Nashville, TN to murfeesboro, tn
Stones River
Murfreesboro, TN has an average elevation of around 600 feet above sea level.
It's about 62 miles (100 km), and about an hour and twenty minutes.
Memphis to Murfreesboro: 3 hours and 50 minutes, 244.74 miles.
Lascassas Market 2712 Lascassas pike murfreesboro, tn 37160 2 miles away from MTSU on Highway 96
About 505 miles.