10 to 10 and 1/2 hours
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 3 hours and 49 minutes.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 5 hours and 23 minutes.
To fly from Memphis TN to Redding CA, it would take about 6 - 9 hours. If you were to drive it would take about 1 day and 10 hours.
The distance is 173 miles, and it takes about 2 hours and 43 minutes.
The distance between Redding, CA, and Ashland, OR, is 136 miles and will take about 2 Hours 14 Minutes of driving time.
About Eight and a half hours going 75 mph up Interstate 5
How long does it take to get from Redding California, to Phoneix Arizona???
175 Lemmon Drive in Reno
Redding, California is about 350 miles away from Yosemite National Park. This would equate to a drive of about 5 hours and 30 minutes to reach Yosemite from Redding.
The distance between Redding, CA, and Yreka, CA, is 98.9 miles and will take approximately 1 Hour 33 Minutes of driving time.
It is 594.47 miles according to MapQuest.