It is 71.5 miles from Tucson to Tombstone and 184 miles from Phoenix to Tombstone according to Google Maps.
A Tucson to LA drive takes about 7 - 8 hours.
Approximately 4 hours.
69 miles taking this route:Take I-10 EAST, from Tucson, to SR-80 to DOUGLAS off EXIT 303.Take SR-80 SOUTH to TOMBSTONE.
It is a 12 hour drive.
26 hours
An hour and a half
30 hours
14 and 1/2 to 15 hours
It is about 345 miles from Tucson to the Grand Canyon. The drive takes about 5.5 hours. Google Maps gives the mileage as 338 miles.
LIke an hr and a half
16 and 1/2 hours