About 290 miles to from Texarkana, TX to Houston on US-59 S.
10 hours
It is 794 miles according to Google Maps.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 5 hours and 23 minutes.
4 hours
how long does it take to drive from grove city ,oh to houston tx
11 hours
9 Hours and 5-15 minutes.
To drive from Texarkana, Tx to El Paso, Tx is about 816 miles give yourself about 12 hours!
About 300 miles
About 300 miles
Take I-55 South to 67 South (exit 174B). That merges with 167 South north of Little Rock where you take I-30 West to Texarkana after a brief time on I-40. From Texarkana, 59 South runs right into Houston. If you prefer to take interstates only, you can take I-44 West to Dallas and I-45 South to Houston, but it's longer and takes more time.