Rome, Italy 961 (miles) 597 (km)
Rome is not in Germany, it is in Italy.
Italy: Rome Germany: Berlin Greece: Athens
No time difference, they are on the same time zone (CET)
I flew from El Paso to Denver, from Denver to Frankfurt, Germany, From Frankfurt to Rome. A total of 16 hours flight time, without layovers. Venice is accessible by rail or by car and of course by boat. Its about a 3-4 hour train ride from Rome to Venice.
It takes about 2 hours to drive from Firenze to Roma, Italy.
Nope, Italy was Germany's ally.
There are 9 stores in the UK. There is a store in Frankfurt, Germany and Rome, Italy also. More stores are reportedly being targeted for Spain and France, and many more across European countries will open through 2010.
Germany is approximately 650 miles from Rome, Italy. the flight would take about 1 hour and 45 minutes. Driving may take about 13 hours.
Rome is in Italy! So it all depends where you start from, Rome or Italy.It would be ZERO driving distance from Rome to Italy, because if you're in Rome, you're automatically in Italy already!But if you're in Italy and you want to know the driving distance to Rome, then you would have to know your location in Italy from where you want to drive to Rome.For example, you would have to state another city in Italy, like Sicily, Capri, Sardinia, Mount Vesuvius or the Coliseum, etc, that you want to drive to Rome from, then we can talk some serious odometer figures!
7hours depending where you are in Germany and where youa re going in Italy, so 7 hours from border to border