The drive time from Washington, District of Columbia to Newark, Delaware is:1 hour 44 minutes
The distance between Washington DC and Newark, NJ is 216.6 miles. Depending on traffic, this drive can take from 3 hours 37 minutes to 4 hours 26 minutes.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 4 hours and 8 minutes.
about 7 hours
2 hr. 5 min. 96.7 mi. But that is for Newark Delaware.There are many ways to get there. and three suggsted routes:go on Google maps for more clarification
DC to Newark is 95 miles. About the same to Dover.
approx 1 hour
25 hours
DC to Cedar Point is 414 miles. That is about a 6 hour and 30 minute drive.
23 hours
They share a common border.
It is 141.23 miles according to MapQuest.