The distance between Portsmouth, NH, and Manchester, NH, is 45.1 miles and will take approximately 50Minutes of driving time.
The shortest time is 3 hours and 43 minutes.
The distance between Manchester NH and Boston is 55.5 miles and will take about 58 minutes to drive.
There is a McDonald's in the following places in New Hampshire: 569 MAST RD GOFFSTOWN, NH 03045 RT 89 & 103 WARNER, NH 03278 907 HANOVER ST MANCHESTER, NH 03109 907 2ND ST MANCHESTER, NH 03102 196 S WILLOW ST MANCHESTER, NH 03103 #5 TILTON ROAD TILTON, NH 03276 822 CENTRAL ST FRANKLIN, NH 03235 1500 S WILLOW ST MANCHESTER, NH 03103 2287 BROWN AVE MANCHESTER, NH 03103 303 W MAIN ST HILLSBOROUGH, NH 03244 FREETOWN RD RAYMOND, NH 03077 4 HOMESTEAD PLACE ALTON BAY, NH 03809
It is 3,121 miles with an estimated driving time of 26 hours according to Google Maps.
about 5 hours
About 5 hours take I-95 N to US-3 North to Everet Turnpike north to I-293 N to mancheter NH
New hamphire Manchester is a city in new hamphire
the distance from Nashua NH to Manchester NH is 19 miles
Hanover, NH
2500 miles or about five hours.