Google Maps estimates the driving time as 45 hours.
8 hours
The drive from Greensboro, NC to Los Angeles, CA is 2,467 mi - about 1 day 12 hours.
It is 99 miles and a 1 hour and42 minute drive according to Google Maps.
The drive time from Washington, District of Columbia to Greensboro, North Carolina is:4 hours, 54 minutes
5 1/2 hours
The shortest time is 36 hours.
Googke Maps estimates the driving time as 1 hour and 42 minutes.
The distance between Greensboro, NC, and Williaqmsburg, VA, is 244 miles and will take approximately 4 Hours 9 Minutes of driving time.
It will take about 47 hours to drive the 4,663 km (2,898 miles).
How long does it take mail to get from Greensboro to Wilson North Carolina
It is 32.6 miles and an estimated 42 minutes of driving time according to Google Maps.