The driving distance between Seattle, WA and Stockton, CA is approximately 800 miles. The driving time would be approximately 13 hours 15 minutes if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
The distance between Stockton, CA, and Richmond, CA, is 81.7 miles and will take approximately 1 Hour 23 Minutes of driving time.
Sherman, Texas to Stockton, California is 25 h (1,658.2 mi) via I-40 W
how long does it take for mail from Los Angeles to get to Stockton CA
365 miles
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 5 hours and 42 minutes.
10 to 10 and 1/2 hours
Approximately 19 hours.
1,163 mi - about 17 hours 52 mins
The distance between Seattle, WA, and San Jose, CA is 842 miles and will take about 13 Hours 5 Minutes of driving time.
About 4 hours ( 3 hours and 53 minutes to be exact).
The total distance is 363 miles. The journey would take about 5 hours and 21 minutes.
MapQuest estimates the driving time as 10 hours and 25 minutes.