The trip between Toowoomba and Hervey Bay takes about 4 hours 40 minutes to travel. It is a distance of 373 km.
about half an hour
With the new coastal bypass road, it is quicker to drive to Byron Bay inland. However, it is not nearly as scenic.
Brisbane, Australia is approximately 108 miles away from Byron Bay, Australia. It would take about 2 hours to drive by car.
From the New South Wales city of Newcastle to Byron Bay is a distance of 632 km. It takes about 8 hours, not including rest breaks, and is easily a full day's travel.
From Sydney, NSW to Byron Bay on the NSW north coast is a distance of 774km. The drive takes almost ten hours.
The driving distance is approximately 772 km. The driving time will be about 10 hours, depending on your speed and traffic conditions.
To drive from the Melbourne CBD to Byron Bay in northern NSW is a distance of about 1633 kilometres. Actual driving time is estimated at 20 hours. This does not include rest stops. It is a journey best done over three days.
From Sydney, NSW to Byron Bay on the north coast is a distance of 774km. The drive takes almost ten hours.
From Queen Street in Brisbane's CBD to Byron Bay in NSW is a distance of 165 kilometres. The trip takes about two hours, depending on traffic.
Byron Bay High School was created in 1985.
Byron Bay High School's motto is 'The future is ours'.