That would vary based on the departure point, the destination and the mode of transportation, however it requires about 20 hours of driving time to travel from Oklahoma City to Richmond.
56 hours
7 years
About a day, or less.
About a day and a half, if you don't mess around too much.
3 years
7 hours
First Class Mail is delivered n three to five days.
To travel by car, it would take 76 hours. To travel by plane, it would take 10 hours.
It would probably be about 2-4 days.
First Class Mail is delivered in three to five days.
Not including stopovers/layovers it will take approximately 17 hours and 49 minutes to travel from Cleveland, Ohio to Lawton, Oklahoma.
depends where you are going in Virginia. It can take 30 minutes if you are going somewhere in Virginia that is close to DC. Otherwise, it can take 45-90 minutes.