It depends where you are in Pennsylvania and where you are going in Tennessee. Look it up on Mapquest. It gives you mileage and approximate travel time.
The driving time from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Bristol, Tennessee is an estimated 6 hours and 7 minutes. The driving times will vary depending on traffic.
Pennsylvania is northeast of Tennessee.
i have had it take about a month but it usually doesn't take that long
How long does it take for mail to come from Pennsylvania to orangeburg Sc
About three hours.
How long would it take you to walk from Scranton Pennsylvania to Napa California?
How long it will take to get from Oshawa to Pennsylvania depends upon the method of transport used. To get there by road, it will take approximately 5 hours and 46 minutes.
According to Tennessee law, once you take the first step toward Tennessee with the intent to leave California and make your permanent domicile in Tennessee, you are then domiciled in Tennessee.
12 hours
5 hours
It is south of it. The Mason-Dixon line is basically the long straight border between Maryland and Pennsylvania. Tennessee is well south of it.