The distance from Broome, Western Australia, to St Georges Terrace in central Perth, WA, is 2176 kilometres. This route would go inland through Marble Bar and Guildford. Driving time would be 27 hours, the equivalent of three very long days (allowing for rest breaks). Four to five days would be more endurable.
If you travelled straight down the coast, through Geraldton, the distance would be 2357 km, with a driving time of nearly 29 hours.
10 hours
Direct flight time is a little over 4 hours, or via Perth it takes 12 including transfers and waiting around in Perth airport
four hours
Margaret River is 272 kilometres south of Perth, about a 3 hour drive.
Melbourne (MEL) to Broome (BME)Shortest Flight Duration * 7 hours 20 mins * Via Perth, Perth (PER)
Takes about 20 - 30 minutes depending on traffic.
From Perth to Exmouth by road is a distance of 1,258 km and would take around 15 hours to drive (non-stop).
It takes about 19 hours (non-stop) to drive from Karratha in north-western Australia to Perth. Distance is 1803 km.
18 hours
Margaret River to Albany will take 4.5 hours. Margaret River to Perth takes 3.
Travel time from Perth to Busselton takes about 3 hours 15 minutes. The distance is around 232 km.
About 6-7 hours, so I've been told!