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It takes about 2 to 3 hours to get there.....

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Q: How long does it take to drive from Montreal to Quebec City Canada?
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Related questions

Is Montreal a city or a country?

Montreal is a city in Quebec, Canada

What province is Montreal in?

Canada Montreal is a city in Canada. There is no county. It is located in the province of Quebec.

In which country is Montreal in?

Montreal is a large city in the province of Quebec in Canada.

What is the hemisphere of Montreal?

Montreal is a city in the province of Quebec. Quebec is part of Canada, which is in North America.

Does Montreal have Toronto and Ontario in it?

No. Montreal is a city in Quebec. Toronto is a city in Ontario. Quebec and Ontario are provinces of Canada.

What is the capitol of Montreal?

Montreal is a city and, therefore, has no capitol. It is located in the province of Quebec (capitol, Quebec City) in the country Canada (capitol, Ottawa)

What city is the same latitude as Montreal Quebec in canada?

Edinburgh, Scotland is at approximately the same latitude as Montreal, Quebec in Canada.

In what province of Canada is the city of Montreal?


What state is the city of Montreal in?

First of all, there are no states in Canada. There are provinces. Montreal is located in the province of Quebec.

Which Canadian city is larger - Montreal or Quebec?

Montreal is larger than Quebec city. The largest cities in Canada are: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa and Calgary.

What is the capital of Montreal?

No,the current national capital of Canada is Ottawa.The location of the capital city of the Province of Canada changed six times in its 26-year history. The first capital was in Kingston (1841-1844).The capital moved to Montreal (1844-1849)It moved to Quebec City from 1852 to 1856, thenToronto for one year (1858)[2] before returning to Quebec City from 1859-1866.In 1857, Queen Victoria chose Ottawa as the permanent capital of the Province of Canada, initiating construction of Canada's first parliament buildings, on Parliament Hill. The first stage of this construction was completed in 1865, just in time to host the final session of the last parliament of the Province of Canada before Confederation.

Why is Montreal written as Montreal Quebec and not just Montreal Canada?

Same reason it's "Tampa, Florida" and not "Tampa, USA". Montreal is a city in the province of Quebec. Quebec is a province in the country of Canada.