1 hour 30 minutes
according to google maps it's 96.6 miles - about 2 hours 6 mins
How long does it take to drive from Myrtle Beach South Carolina to Atlanta Georgia
Not very long because myrtle beach is in South Carolina.
How long would it take to drive from myrtle beach to panama
It is a 12 hour 59 minute drive from Indianapolis, Indiana to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
it takes about 6 to 8 hours by car to get to myrtle beach.
10.5 hours. drive it every summer.
Almost 6 hours.
6 and 1/2 hours
How long the drive will be from Detroit, Michigan to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, will depend on which roads are taken and the speed. The cities are about 617 miles apart.
Non-stop, it is about 12-14 hours 17 hours 12 minutes is the period of time it takes to drive from Montreal to Myrtle Beach.