The distance from Brisbane to Perth is about 4256 km. This route goes through outback New South Wales, and avoids all the other state capitals. Actual travelling time is between 50 and 52 hours. It is a trip best taken over a minimum of six days.
In a straight line the distance is 3597 km.
A flight from Brisbane International Airport to Perth International Airport would take 5 hours and 15 minutes. This is a distance of 3,600 km.
It takes about 27 minutes to drive from the Brisbane Airport to Port of Brisbane.
NO time!
Depending upon your starting point in Brisbane, it would take around two hours to drive to Pittsworth.
It would take a minimum of 60-64 hours of non-stoptravelling. From Perth to Brisbane via Melbourne and Sydney is a distance of just over 5200km. Therefore, it is a trip best spread over at least 7 days, allowing for close to nine hours' of travel a day.
It takes almost three hours to drive from Brisbane to Maryborough. The distance is 253 km.
four hours
Margaret River is 272 kilometres south of Perth, about a 3 hour drive.
Perth (PER) to Brisbane (BNE)Shortest Flight Duration 4 hours 10 minsAverage Flight Duration is 4 hours 45 mins
It takes just under an hour (depending on traffic) to drive the 72 km from Brisbane to Beerwah. It also depends on one's starting point in Brisbane.
14 hours
17 hours