There are many Birminghams in the U.S. But from Birmingham, Alabama to Tuscaloosa, Alabama is about a 55-minute drive (58 1/2 miles). * From Birmingham, AL: 00:55 * From Birmingham, IA: 11:47 * From Birmingham, KS: 13:02 * From Birmingham, MO: 11:30 * From Birmingham, PA: 13:56 * From Birmingham, GA: 03:45 * From Birmingham, IL: 11:03 * From Birmingham, IN: 09:48 (Miami Co.) * From Birmingham, IN: 09:15 (Tippecanoe Co.)
45 mins-1 hour drive
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 1 hour and 3 minutes.
How long does it take to drive from birmingham to norwich
There are no subways in Alabama.
3 and 1/2 hours
9 hours
About 2 hours, maybe a little less
20 hours or 4835 miles to drive from Birmingham Alabama to Brazil.
To drive from Montgomery, Alabama to Birmingham, Alabama, it will take 1 hour and 28 minutes.
It takes around 35 hours and 59 minutes to drive from Tuscaloosa Alabama to Oakley California. This does not include stopping for gas or resting.
About 2 hours
5 hours