Traveling from Beach, North Dakota to Fargo, North Dakota on I-94, it takes 5 hours to drive across North Dakota according to MapQuest.
North Dakota is about 340 miles long (east to west).
5 and 1/2 hours
17 hours.
About 1,467 miles.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 1 hour and 19 minutes.
It takes around 3 hours and 15 minutes.
Nebraska and South Dakota share a common border, so travel time would be as long as it takes someone to step across the state line.
It is 642 miles according to Google Maps.
well it takes my family 23 hours of driving to get to Jamestown, North Dakota from Houston so around that many...
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 17 hours and 43 minutes.
It is 1,442 miles according to Google Maps.
It takes 22 hours and 37 minutes to drive from Fargo to New York City.