

Best Answer

It varies, What you're using the vehicle the for, the best way to see if you need new tires is to get a tread tester from a local auto parts store.

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Q: How long does a wheel last?
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How long do Honda CRV rear wheel bearings typically last?

One year

How long will the wheel last with a damaged wheel bearing?

It could seize up next time you drive it. Don't take chances, replace faulty wheel bearings immediately.

How long can a teddy bear hamster last without a wheel?

I'm a breeder so it depends. Is he/she sick or injured? If so leave it out. If not a wheel MUST always be in their cage

What causes a steering wheel to freeze up you cannot move it at all when it does this It does not last long?

If you have a steering lock, that can lock your steering wheel in place, until you use the key in the ignition to unlock it.

Is it safe to drive with a bad wheel bearing?

Not knowing how bad the bearing is, I can't say how long it will last before the wheel falls off. Drive to your local garage for repair and don't take the highway.

What was the last year for the short wheel base Chrysler Town and Country?

The last short wheel base was the 2007 model year.

How long should wheel bearings last on infiniti 130t?

Bearings on Inifinitis should be replaced after every 30,000 km. If not, they can start grinding with or without noise. If you drive in this fashion for a while, you risk losing a wheel.

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I have a transit 190 and weighed 1950 kgs over weighbridge last week

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How long does a zip line last before needing replacing?

I would use it until it begins to show even minimal wear then replace the cable and or the wheel.

What is the missing word in the sentence Long live The Wheel?

Burning wheel

When will the last book of The Wheel of Time be in paperback?

It already is.