Most folks require 7-9 hours of sleep per 24 hour cycle. If one was sleeping regularly and if one got a full night's sleep (8 hours) them one COULD perhaps drive for 16 hours before pulling over to sleep. You would also have to subtract stopping for food, gas, restroom breaks, stretching, etc.). Additionally, driving during the day makes more sense. So: although you could go for 16 hours, 12 is a more reasonable outside figure in one day (although still a lot of time on the road).
Skipping a night of sleep and then driving would NOT be recommended. If one did this, one could conceivably drive all night and the next day - gaining an additional amount of driving time without sleep - although this would be reckless, dangerous and potentially life-threatening.
A more common practice for those pressed for driving time might be to drive with a partner and switch off driving duties with sleeping time. Some people are also fine taking shorter naps of 1-4 hours and then driving again.
Better to be safe than sorry if one is the least bit sleepy - and pull over at a rest stop for a nap.
Here's a link to check out:
Yes, you can drive a car without a drivers license but unless you in driver's training it's illegal
That would be a learner's permit.
NO! You would be a fool to drive without insurance.
4 hours per day
it is not illegal for a driver with only a permit to drive his parent's car without having his name added to the insurance.
It is not legal to drive without a driver's license. Drivers are expected to carry their license with them whenever they are using their car or truck.
NO The driver must have a permit or a license to drive since he is the one operating a motor vehicle.
Not in Texas.
No driver is allowed to operate a vehicle on public roads in the U.S. without Financial Responsibility regardless of license status.
Yes, you must have your driver's license with you when you drive. Or you could get a ticket. ooooh
You need a driver's license to drive, and insurance on the vehicle you're driving.