Many things actually, like not taking care of your vehicle and letting the oil in it get bad, which could cause the engine to blow up!
When the fuel in an engine cylinder ignites prematurely or unevenly to cause power fluctuations and a "knocking" sound. usually occurs when an engine is very how or improperly timed.
Engine knocking occurs in a vehicle when there are misfires in the spark plug ignition causing an air/fuel mixture to explode outside the envelope of the normal combustion front. This condition could be very damaging to an engine if not checked by a mechanic.
knocking noise
If it's knocking when accelerating, the engine could be starving for the correct octane fuel ... try the mid-grade or premium fuel and see if it still occurs. Could also be that the timing belt needs to be adjusted/replaced. If the knocking sounds like metal on metal, chances are you are in for a bigger bill for a possible engine rebuild. At any rate, have it checked out by a mechanic soon.
There is no way for me to know what is knocking in your Dodge Ram.There is no way for me to know what is knocking in your Dodge Ram.
Engine knocking is a sign of a preoblem internally, you should get it fixed before permanent dage occurs if it hasn't already. If you want to quite it down for a somewhat temp fix use 15W30 oil or higher its alot thicker and will help but not permanent
Sometimes. It depends on what is causing the knocking.
I Hear You Knocking was created in 1970-11.
Knocking at Your Back Door was created in 1984.
On the Knocking at the Gate in Macbeth was created in 1823.
A 1991 Honda Accord LX has knock sensors which detect incorrect ignition timing. The knocking occurs when the valves open at the wrong time.
The duration of Who's That Knocking at My Door is 1.5 hours.