The road distance between the places is 2550 miles. This is the distance when the shortest route is chosen. Also it should be noted that various traffic rules like 'one ways' and 'no entries' have Not been considered when calculating this distance.
Looking at about 40 to 45 minute drive from Cocoa Beach to Orlando airport.
Using FL-528, the distance is about 72 miles.
200 miles
80 miles
15.4 miles...21 minutes to get there from cocoa,fl
The flight distance from Cocoa Beach, Florida to Freeport, Bahamas is about 170 miles.
About 70 miles.
The driving distance is 80 miles.
266 miles or427.99 Kilometers
93 miles
The distance in miles from Daytona Beach and Cocoa Beach is about 80 miles. Keep in mind this depends where in Daytona you will be departing from and where in Cocoa you will be arriving.
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