117 miles taking Florida's TURNPIKE (toll) SOUTH. The exit for Port St. Lucie is EXIT 142, which is PORT ST. LUCIE BLVD (SR-716).
120 miles
The distance between Orlando and Port St. Lucie is approximately 125 miles by car, taking about 2 hours to drive.
120 miles
667 miles
236 miles
236 miles
Port St. Lucie is located in Florida.
The address of the Port St. Lucie Branch Library is: 180 Sw Prima Vista Blvd., Port St. Lucie, 34983 8429
It is 94.9 miles according to Google Maps.
The address of the Port St Lucie Historical Society Inc is: Po Box 7146, Port St Lucie, FL 34952-4686
about 50 miles