725 miles.
about 650 miles
708 miles
Rochester NY is 726 miles from Charlotte North Carolina.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 12.5 hours.
if ny reports it to nc it will. NC cooperates with almost all the states.
how far is concord nc from salisbury nc
If you're going to Niagara Falls on the Buffalo, NY, side, the midpoint is going to be somewhere in the neighborhood of Washington, PA; not as far as Pittsburgh.
The driving distance from Rochester, NY to Charlotte, NC is 724 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 11 hours and 17 minutes.
Stem, NC
The driving distance from Binghampton, NY to Raleigh, NC is 650 mi - about 10 hours 37 mins.
The distance between Raeford, NC, and Gouverneur, NY, is approximately 670 miles when driving.