2,040 miles/3,283 km taking this route:
13 hrs
Moncton, NB, Canada to Penobsquis, Cardwell, NB, Canada,The distance between the start point and the destination is 68.4km, (42.5 miles), and will take approximately 46 minutes of driving time.
how far is moncton to bangor maine
about 3hrs by car
20 minute drive
Kentville NS to Moncton NB is approximatly 3 hrs and 50 mins by car. But if you take highway 14...it takes about an hour off your driving time.
tampa to pensicola
Busch Gardens is in Tampa.
Dallas is about 1,107 miles away from Tampa.
There are 280 miles from Tampa to Miami.
The distance from Tampa to Tallahassee is 214.8 Miles.
Tampa-Chişinău: 10 200 km (straight line)