The driving distance between Casper, WY and Miles City, MT is 348 miles. The driving time would be approximately 5 hours, 45 minutes if you were to drive non-stop in good conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
The halfway point is Douglas, WY, which is in between Casper and Cheyenne, closer to Casper. Cheyenne is the largest city in Wyoming, Casper is second.
Casper, Wyoming uses calendars based on the Gregorian Calendar. There are many calendars available in Casper, Wyoming including the Casper Area Convention and Visitor's Bureau calendar, the City of Casper calendar, the Casper Events Center calendar, and the Casper College Calendar of Events. See Related Links for links to several Casper, Wyoming calendars.
A city that is known as the Oil City is Casper, Wyoming.
The North Platte river passes through the city of Casper.
Casper, Wyoming is nick named the "Oil City" .
The North Platte River
Seattle, Washington is approximately 600 miles east of Missoula, Montana on Interstate 90.
It would take about 4 hours and 7 minutes and is a total distance of about 254 miles.
Wyoming is bordered on the north by Montana. Helena is the capital city in Montana.
One could buy flowers in Casper, Wyoming at any local flower store. Check a city map to see where they may be located so you can find the one nearest you.
Billings, Montana is 136 miles (219 kilometers) from Miles City, Montana.
Cities near the Laramie Mountains include Laramie, Cheyenne, and Casper, Wyoming.