There are about 291.339 miles between Longview, TX and Abaline, TX.
NO Odessa College (odessa tx) has one, which isnt far away from midland tx
The driving distance from Longview, TX, USA to Austin, TX, USA is 266.95mi / 429.61km
920 miles
21.2 miles
523 miles
300 miles
It is 347 miles accordiing to Google Maps.
How many miles is it from Longview TX to Houston TX?
210 miles NORTH on U.S. 59 and, eventually, on U.S. 259.
It is 393 miles according to Google Maps.
The population of Longview, TX was 80,455 people as of the 2010 census. Longview had a population of approximately 81,443 people as of 2013.