640 km taking this route:
There are different roads you can use. The one passing through Piet Retief near Swaziland is 660Km. Pretoria - Durban - Richards bay is 800Km.
130 miles
The population of Richards Bay is 44,852.
The area of Richards Bay is 97.41 square kilometers.
how much is the ticket from pietermaritzburg to Richards Bay
Approximately 820km by road.
The country code and area code of Richards Bay, South Africa is 27, (0)35.
The distance between Nairobi and Pretoria is 2858km (1776 miles) 2858 km 1776 miles
Yes, it is a suburb in a less affluent part of the city of Pretoria. Yes, its on the far west end of Pretoria commonly recognized by Ford wrecks and garden gnomes in the front yards.
no were near as long as my eel-a-conder !
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