Jenks is basically south Tulsa. Hard to tell where Tulsa ends and jerks begins.
The flight distance from Tulsa Oklahoma to Diriamba Nicaragua is 1780 miles
1 hour 57 mins115.8 mi
It is 107.14 miles via I-44 East.
It is 176 miles accoording to Google Maps.
It is 690 miles according to Google Maps.
It's not anywhere close. It's in the OKC Metro about 15 miles SSW of the city. Google it.
Oklahoma and Texas boarder each other so the answer is 0 kilometers
From Austin to the Oklahoma border, it is about 300 miles, give or take 50. It is 421 miles from North Austin to Muskogee, Oklahoma, and 50 more miles to Tulsa.
The Oklahoma border is approximately 80 miles from Dallas Texas if you take I-35 North.
It is approximately 500 miles from Brownsville, Texas to the Oklahoma border.
Marlow is about 52.5 miles from the Oklahoma/Texas border.