445 miles
A city in West TN just across the bridge from West Memphis, AR.
A typical flight between Dallas, TX and Memphis, TN would have a flying time of about 50 minutes.
No. Missouri is north of Memphis.
It is 743.01 miles and requires about 12 hours of driving time according to MapQuest.
No, Memphis is in west TN......it's flat delta land, the mountains are in east TN
About 80-85 miles.
It is 88.83 miles according to MapQuest.
how far is it from Memphis tn to Nashville tn
4 hrs 30in mins
Rio de Janeiro - Memphis, TN 5015 MI/ 8071 KM
520 miles taking this route:Take I-81 SOUTH, from Bristol, to I-40 WEST to KNOXVILLE at EXIT 1B.Take I-40 WEST to Memphis, via TN-840 WEST to bypass NASHVILLE (EXIT 235 off I-40 to get onto TN-840 WEST towards MEMPHIS ; EXIT 1A off TN-840 to continue on I-40 WEST to MEMPHIS).