68.47 kilometres (42.54 miles)
It is 47.7 road miles according to Google Maps. The distance given above is map miles or as the crow flies.
47 miles
48 miles
About 50 miles.
The air distance within Florida from Pensacola to Destin is 43 miles. That equals 69 kilometers or 37 nautical miles.
Destin, Florida, is in area code 850, along with Pensacola and Tallahassee.
The driving distance is 47.5 road miles.
It is 47.7 miles according to Google Maps.
The shortest time is 1 hour and 16 minutes.
The distance between the cities of Pensacola, Florida and Destin, Florida is 82.7 miles. Pensacola is to the northwest of Destin.
If you are referring to Pensacola, FL to Seagrove Beach, FL it is a two hour drive.
It is 47.7 miles according to Google Maps.