25 miles taking this route:
How far is it from Ann Arbor, Michigan to Kalamazoo?
is there public transportation from ann arbor hands on museum to train station
190 miles
too far
About an hour with traffic.
About 242 miles.
It is about 2 hours and 45 minutes.
You can't fly from Seattle to Ann Arbor directly. The closest airport is Detroit Metropolitan Airport, 25-miles away. The trip from Seattle to Detroit takes about 4 to 4 and a half hours.
miles from novi michigan to flint michigan
It is about 2,302 mi - about 1 day 9 hours if you go by car. Without stops that is...
Somewhere in northern Ohio, not far from Toledo!
There are far too many cities and towns in the US to list them all. However, some of them are Ann Arbor, Boston, Cincinnati, and New York City.