Brinkley, AR
The distance between Houston, TX and Cabot, AR, is 474 miles and will take about 8 Hours 24 Minutes of driving time.
It is 641 miles according to Google Maps.
342 Miles - 550 Km
There are about 787.397 miles between Mount Rushmore and Paris, AR.
Meg Cabot's Moving Day is worth 6 AR points. The reading level is 5.0. There is a reading practice and a vocabulary test.
It is 481 miles according to Google Maps.
The address of the Early Arkansaw Reenactors Association is: 331 Mark Lynn Cir, Cabot, AR 72023-9497
According to the police department, it is sometime at dark. Hope that helps.
About 140 road miles.
How about you stop cheating on apex lol - cabot ar straight a student from ace idiots
160 miles