765 miles taking this route:
the drive from Houston TX to Birmingham Alabama is 350km
about 66 miles
Sam Houston State University is in Huntsville, Texas, about 97 miles from Nacogdoches.
The driving distance from Houston TX to Huntsville TX is 69 miles via I-45 S per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 1 hour and 9 minutes.
The address of the Sam Houston Memorial Museum is: , Huntsville, TX 77341
like a hour
The shortest driving distance is 69.3 miles.
It is 69.3 miles according to Google Maps.
It's on the east side of I45. I believe its actually in Huntsville, Tx.
should take you no more than 20 minutes
1908 Ave J, Huntsville, TX 77340
65 miles taking I-45 (about an hour driving)