The city Council Bluffs is in Iowa
* Kansas City, Kansas * Oklahoma City, Oklahoma * Nebraska City, Nebraska * Iowa City, Iowa * Texas City, Texas
The driving distance from Bluff City, Tennessee to Kansas City, Missouri is 842 miles per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 12 hours and 39 minutes.
Consider Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Or Kansas City, Kansas. Or Missouri City, Missouri. Or Iowa City, Iowa. Or Texas City, Texas. Or Florida City, Florida. Or Arkansas City, Arkansas.
Wahsington DC is not a US state. The others are.
They are Council Bluffs and Sioux City
Iowa City, Kansas City, New York City, Oklahoma City.
220 miles
Red Oak, Iowa.
X Crossing city Montana X-Prairie city Mississippi Xanadu city Utah Xavier city Kansas Xenia city Colorado Xenia city Kansas Xenia city Iowa Xenia city Iowa Xenia city Illinois Xenia city Ohio Xenophon city Tennesse enter your city, and find the wiccans closest to you.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 12 hours and 53 minutes.