Driving - 848 mi, 13 hours 11 mins taking this route:
The distance from Los Angeles to Santa Cruz is pretty far. If you drive non stop it takes about 6-7 hours. Traffic really makes it hard to get there in any record time. The mileage is about 350 miles.
About 95 miles.
two minutes!
There are about 7997.970 miles between India and Los Angeles, California.
UCLA stands for University of California Los Angeles. It is located in Los Angeles, California.
The distance between Santa Cruz, CA and Los Angeles, CA is 349 miles.
The driving distance from Los Angeles, California to Santa Fe, New Mexico is 849 miles via I-40 E per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 12 hours.
Yes, Los Angeles with a population of over 4 million is by far the largest city in California.
miles from La Habra to Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles
Roughly 97 miles
It is 63.5 miles (1 hour, 9 minutes) from Redlands, California to Los Angeles, California if you travel via I-10 West.