Distance from Bakersfield Ca to carolsband
It is 861 miles from Milwaukee, Oregon to Bakersfield, California.
135 miles taking this route:Take I-5 NORTH, from Disneyland, to HIGHWAY 99 - NORTH to BAKERSFIELD and FRESNO at EXIT 221.Take HIGHWAY 99 - NORTH to Bakersfield.
About 2,160 miles.
Bakersfield is on the western edge of the Mojave Desert.
California, Texas, Alaska and Mexico
It is 302 miles from Bakersfield to Napa.
It is 2,029 miles according to Google Maps.
145 miles
250 miles
Pretty far away: The Sonoran desert is located on southern California and Arizona, some 2,200 Kilometers (1,400 miles) apart from the southern border of Illinois.
It is 2,010 miles according to Google Maps.