45 miles
It is approximately 150 miles from Abilene to Midland, Texas, along U.S. Route 20. What is the driving time between Abilene and Midland Texas?
528 miles
It is 527.72 miles according to MapQuest.
Midland, Texas is 1,266 miles according to Google Maps. Midland, North Carollina is 502 milles. Midland. Michigan is 363 miles.
300 miles across I-20 WEST.
150 miles taking this route:
The driving distance between Midland, Texas and Pecos, Texas is approximately 85 miles, which would take around 1 hour and 20 minutes to cover by car.
Oklahoma and Texas boarder each other so the answer is 0 kilometers
389 miles
The distance to drive from Fort Worth, Texas to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma is approximately 205 miles and takes around 3 to 4 hours depending on traffic and specific starting and ending locations.
The Oklahoma border is approximately 80 miles from Dallas Texas if you take I-35 North.