262 miles
65 miles
As of the 2020 census, the population of Newnan, GA is approximately 45,277.
It is about 35 miles and 45 minutes SW of Atlanta, and a straight shot from the city via I-85 SOUTH.
250 miles
79 miles
254 miles taking this route:Take GA-16 EAST from Newnan to I-75. Turn right onto I-75 SOUTH.Take I-75 SOUTH to I-16 (JIM GILLIS HWY) EAST to SAVANNAH at EXIT 165 in MACON.Take I-16 EAST to Savannah.
20 miles
96 miles
96 miles
The address of the Newnan Coweta Historical Society is: Po Box 1001, Newnan, GA 30264-1001
Newnan, GA is considered a suburban region. While it does have rural areas surrounding the city, the urban development and infrastructure in Newnan classify it as more suburban than rural.