Memphis is about an hour drive from Oxford
about 75 miles.
177.63 miles
It is 250.95 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 210.27 miles according to MapQuest.
The driving distance from Senatobia MS to Memphis TN is 39 miles via I-55 N to I-240 N per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 43 minutes.
The address of the Water Valley Main Street Assn Inc is: 207 Main St, Water Valley, MS 38965-0104
It's on Elvis Presley Boulevard in the South part of the city, not far from the city of Southaven, MS
Tupelo is about 1 hour 48 minutes and 108.73 mile from Memphis according to MapQuest.
It depends on what part of Memphis you are in, but it's about 50 miles to the city of Tunica and about 40 miles to the casinos.
Gulfport, MS is approximately 320 miles south of Memphis, TN. It would take around 5-6 hours to drive between the two cities depending on traffic and route.
The driving distance from Memphis, TN, USA to Anguilla, MS 38721, USA is 172.27mi / 277.24km