About 95 miles.
two minutes!
The distance between Santa Cruz, CA and Los Angeles, CA is 349 miles.
Roughly 97 miles
Well Canyon Country is located in Santa Clarita, which is 25.05 miles far from Los Angeles. It is also 45.15 kilometers far.
The distance from Los Angeles to Santa Cruz is pretty far. If you drive non stop it takes about 6-7 hours. Traffic really makes it hard to get there in any record time. The mileage is about 350 miles.
it takes about 2-3 hours especially with traffic
It is 9.2 miles according to Google Maps.
The trip from Los Angeles to New York is about 2800 miles. Driving east from Los Angeles for 14 hours will get you to Santa Fe, NM.
about 36 miles by car
Los Angeles/Madrid is 5815 miles