About 50 miles
4708 miles
It is 3,540 km.
4315 km
It is 2,528.40 miles according to MapQuest.
London, England is approximately 4,221 miles from Edmonton, Canada. The absolute best way to get from England to Canada is to take a plane!
It is 41.1 miles between Hamilton Ontario and Toronto Ontario in Canada. It takes approximately 43 minutes to travel this distance by car.
Its in Canada, located in Toronto. The county is located bellow Kitchener , to the right of London (not London, Paris). Lastly to the left of Hamilton. If this isn't enough information for you try Google maps.
· Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Hamilton Keene was born in London, in England, UK.
There are airplanes between the several Stratfords and Hamilton, Canada.There are Stratfords in:Australia, New South Wales, Ontario(Canada) Prince Edward Island,(a suburb of Charlottetown.) Quebec(Canada) London(a locality of the London borough of NewHam, New Zealand, California, Iowa, New Hampshire, New York, Oklaoma, and many others Stratfords.Please, choose one of the Stratfords above.